Aswan, lake Nasser and the temple of Philae

Aswan, lake Nasser and the temple of Philae

Photographs by Jan Smith

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View from a felucca on the Nile at Aswan.
View from a felucca on the Nile at Aswan. On top of the hill you can see the mausoleum of the Aga Khan. Halfway up hill you can see the Monastery of St. Simeon
View on Nile cataract from the Aswan low dam.
View on Nile cataract from the Aswan low dam.
View on the Philae temple complex.
View on the Isis-temple on Philae.
view on the eastern collonade and first pylon of the Isis-temple on Philae
Birthhouse in the Isis-temple on Philae( 250 B.C - 300 A.D.). Between the columns separation walls have been erected to prevent looking into the temple, where the god child is born.
Beatifully engraved column of the western colonnade in the court of the Isis-temple on Philae (1st century A.D.)
Picture of the Godess Hathor. Hathor was a goddess of many things, among them she was:
  • Celestial goddess: The Mistress of Heaven
  • Goddess of love, music and beauty: the Goddess of Love, Cheerfulness, Music, and Dance,
  • Goddess of women, firtility, children and childbirth: The Mother of Mothers, the Celestial Nurse,
  • Goddess of destruction and drunkeness: The Vengeful Eye of Ra, the Lady of Drunkeness,
  • Goddess of the dead: Lady of the West

Column capital with papyrus motif (around 100 A.D.). Location: western collonade in the court of the Isis-temple on Philae
Enjoying a very tasteful real Nubian meal. Location the roof of a very nice Nubian family at an island near Aswan.

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This page is created by Jan Smith. If you want to have some information about this site please send me an e-mail.

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