Horus temple at Edfu and Karnak temple Luxor

Horus temple at Edfu and Karnak temple Luxor

Photographs by Jan Smith

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Paul tying the luggage to the roof before we leave to the Horus temple in Edfu.
The Horus temple, Edfu.
Image of Holy barque on temple wall of the Horus temple, Edfu.
Interior of the Horus temple, Edfu.
The godess Mafdet in the Horus temple, Edfu.
Wall in the Horus temple, Edfu. Notice the chiseled out noses and legs. The Egyptians believed that the goods could come from the wall to get alive. When the god was not worshipped anymore, the nose was chiseled out to prevent the Gods to breathe in air. To prevent the God from walking also his legs where chiseled away.
Market street in the town of Edfu.
Mosque in the town of Edfu.
Another mosque in the town of Edfu.
The avenue of ram-headed sphinxes leading to the fisrt pylon of the temple of Karnak.
The ram-headed sphinxes of Ramses II in the Ethiopian courtyard.
The colossal statue of Pinedjem in the first courtyard.
Hypostyle hall of Amon temple with barred window. The only source of illumination in the tempel!
Part of an obelisk of Amenofis III.
Pillars with Lotus and Papyrus, representing upper and lower Egypt, before the temple in which the Barque was stored.
This ancient spreadsheet represents Pharaoh's gifs to the temple after a succesful campaign.
Scarab on the northwest corner of the sacred lake.
Walking aroud the scarab for 3 times will give you luck, 5 times you will get married, and 7 times you will have a baby. Oops I miscalculated myself.....
The left statue of the pharao, with crossed arms, is made after his dead (osirian posture). The right statue of the pharao is made during his live.
Beautifully illuminated Amon temple, Luxor.
Beautifully illuminated Amon temple, Luxor.

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This page is created by Jan Smith. If you want to have some information about this site please send me an e-mail.

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