The Nile from felucca and the temple of Kom Ombo

The Nile from felucca and the temple of Kom Ombo

Photographs by Jan Smith

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View from a felucca on the Nile at Aswan.
View from a felucca on the Nile at Aswan. On top of the hill you can see the mausoleum of the Aga Khan. Halfway up hill you can see the Monastery of St. Simeon
View from a felucca on the Nile at a village near Aswan.
All watches except Paul's were taken to help us relax through our 3 day felucca journey. I recommend this to anybody!
Our first lunch spot was located directly before those gorgeous sand dunes.
However tourleader Paul told us we could safely swim in the Nile at some places, I listened to the dutch GGD (health organization) and stayed out of the Nile.
A fantastic meal prepared by JIMMY the most fabulous Nubian cook.
Jimmy cooking for the crew. All Nubians liked specially BONEY-M the famous Dutch pop group from the seventies!
Mohammed strikes the sail.
Sleeping beauty Paul at the early morning of day 2
A nice town we sailed by
Sailing towards the Temple of Kom Ombo
Colonnade in the Temple of Kom Ombo dedicated to Horus and Sobek.
Beautifully coloured ceiling in the Temple of Kom Ombo.
Beautifully coloured fragments of wall paintings in the Temple of Kom Ombo. And remember that originally the whole temple was painted like this!
Hieroglyphs in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Paul got a henna tattoo of a salamander like this on his arm at the Nubian dinner.
Religious engraving in the Temple of Kom Ombo. Anybody knows what it means?
After visiting a temple it is nice to relax for the rest of the day.
Johan learned today not to put written cards on the deck. An unexpected gust of wind helped to deliver the card by airmail or nilemail. So the person who expected a card of Johan and Sofie and did not get one, this might be the reason.
Emergency toilet stop, resulting in a broken sunroof
The results of an unexpected gust of wind. Paul got knocked on his head by a piece of the slat.
During lunch Paul tried to catch a fish. On this picture it seems he succeeded. As an eyewitness I must say all credits go to the friendly Egyptian with the funny rain hat.
Early in the morning. We did not have watches so it can be 5 but also 6 o' clock.
Sofie and Johan (left) and Daniel and Sarah (right) waking up on day 2 of our three day journey.
Daniel and Sarah waking up on day 2 of our three day journey.
Some nice kids from a village were we had a toilet stop. The oranges are very good in this particular place!
GP paul removes a splinter from Dave.
A nice town we passed by.
The town of Edfu on the other bank of the Nile
Public transport. Paul took a taxi.
Typical farmers field with date palm and cow herons (koereiger in dutch)
International soccer game against the fanatic youth of Edfu. Note it was still over 30 °C at this time of day!
I think we lost, anybody noted the score?
Birthday boy, David Churchill got 30 on october the sixth. Happy birthday!
In Dutch we then say: "Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag en nog vele jaren in goede gezondheid toegewenst !"

As present David got a cake and a miniature felucca.
The Felucca crew with our group posing after a very relaxing 3 day journey over the Nile. Shukran Habibi! (thank you friends)

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This page is created by Jan Smith. If you want to have some information about this site please send me an e-mail.

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