The Pyramids of Gizeh

The Pyramids of Gizeh, Egypt

Photographs by Jan Smith

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From right to left: Pyramids of Chefren, Micerinus and a queen.
The pyramid of Chefren is the only one with a partly preserved smooth external facing at the top.

From left to right: Pyramids of Cheops, Chefren, Micerinus and a queen.
However the picture does not show this, the pyramid of Cheops (originally 146 m high and 232 m wide, today 137 m high and 230 m wide) is bigger than Chefren's (136,5 m high and 210,5 m wide). The pyramid of Micerinus is 66m high and 108 m wide.

View on Cairo from the pyramids.
Note how close Cairo is situated near the Pyramids

View of the Sphinx before the pyramids of Chefren and Cheops
Our guide Aladdin Khalifa tells us the story of the Sphinx
Me, Jan Smith, standing for the Pyramid of Cheops. Note the size of the stones I am 2.03 m tall!
The pyramid of Queen Mersah, wife of Cheops.
Me standing on the stairway in the Pyramid of Mersah. Note the small size, I am 2.03 m tall!
Part of my tour group standing in the funeral chamber of the Pyramid of Mersah. From left to right: Angus, Debbie, Helen, Melissa, Johan and Daniel
Part of my tour group having lunch at the Gizah restaurant Falafel. From left to right: Phil, Helen, Daniel and Sarah.

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This page is created by Jan Smith. If you want to have some information about this site please send me an e-mail.

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