Waterworld of Shark's Bay, Red Sea, Egypt

Photographs by Jan Smith. Underwater photographs with a Kodak single use camera.

To preserve the corals for our grandchildren, please do not stand on coral. Even touching of coral might be fatal for the reef.

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Bedouin camp, Shark's bay
View on the beach with coral reef, Bedouin camp, Shark's bay
Pam, Debbie, Helen and Dave relaxing on the beach
Snorkling on the beach
Dave the Marsian
Sea urchins on coral reef
Coral reef
Coral reef
Coral reef
Bluecheek butterfly fish on coral reef
coral reef
Red sea bannerfish on coral reef
Coral reef
Coral reef
Red sea bannerfish on coral reef
Picasso Triger Fish and Sergeant Major (striped one)on coral reef
Threadfin butterfly fish and Picasso triggerfish near coral reef
Sergeant Major (striped one) and other fish near coral reef
Red sea bannerfish on coral reef
Bluecheek butterfly fish on coral reef
Bicolor Chromis on coral reef
Coral reef
Parot Fish on coral reef
Bluecheek butterfly fish on coral reef
Coral reef
Picasso Triger Fish on coral reef
Coral reef
Two schools of fish
Coral reef
Bluespotted stingray at sea bottom

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This page is created by Jan Smith. If you want to have some information about this site please send me an e-mail.

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