Sinai, Mount Moses and Monastry of St Catherine

Sinai, Mount Moses and Monastry of St Catherine, Egypt

Photographs by Jan Smith.

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On the bus convoy to the Sinai.
Oasis of Feiran
After 2 hours walking arrrival on the top of mount Moses at 4.30 AM.
Sunset from the top of mount Moses at 5.30 AM.
Sophie and Daniel, Sarah and Phil Freezing at the top of mount Moses at 6.00 AM.
I did it my way, Jan Smith at the top of mount Moses.
Descend from mount Moses. It took only 1 hour 40 minutes!
Sinai desert
Beatifully shaped rocks by wind erosion, Sinai desert
View of the white canyon, Sinai desert.
In the white canyon, Sinai desert
Helen, Debbie and Suleyman climbing out of the white canyon, Sinai desert
On top of the hill
View of a rock formation, Sinai desert.
Aqua, salesman of the year 2001.
Making landmarks, Sinai desert
Gymnastics in the closed canyon, Sinai desert
Overview of a part of the Sinai desert.
Animal life, Sinai desert
Another view of the Sinai desert
Relaxing in the Sinai desert
Our sleeping spot of night 2 in the Sinai desert
Another view Our sleeping spot of night 2 in the Sinai desert
The children of the lost tribe succeeded in selling a lot of souvenirs to Pam, Debbie and the rest of us.

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This page is created by Jan Smith. If you want to have some information about this site please send me an e-mail.

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